President’s Day is a day to honor our former presidents and our founding fathers. The ones who made it possible for us to have all the freedoms we have today. They challenged the current system and were the first rebels, you could say. And that’s something I can relate to.

During the American Revolution, our founding fathers decided to stand for what they believed in. They went against their authority (British rule) and were considered to be traitors. They took the chance knowing that if they were defeated they would have been traitors and punished accordingly. They took the risk and stood firm in what they believed in.

Many times did the road look bleak and unsuccessful, but they were not detoured. They relentlessly pursued their endeavor in the face of great adversity. They were willing to pay the price. They were 100% in and weren’t looking back. They weren’t afraid to fail.


In a similar way, I stand strong in my beliefs and in my actions. I refuse to just believe current fitness dogma that is not backed by anything other than being passed down from gym rats who have come before. I will always tests theories and do my own homework to find out what the whole story is about.

I owe it to all of you guys, as well as to myself to never settle for second best, to always provide you guys with the most up to date and useful information possible. I will strive to give you the facts. I will present them in a way that is applicable and can be easily understood.

Today is not about relaxing and taking the day off. This day is another opportunity to create your better future. Push your limits and step outside your comfort zones. Look failure dead in the eye and dare it. The only failure is not getting back up, not giving it another shot. Often times, when we want to quit the most, is right before we’re about to have success.

“Fail. Try again. Fail better.” — Marty Martinez, National Sports Psychologist

“Continue to try and fail, try and fail, ensuring that you never fail to try.”
— Greg Plitt, #1 Fitness Model in the World

Nothing is impossible. Even the spelling of impossible is spelled I’m possible. It’s a matter of perception. If you convince your mind, your body will follow.

easy day

What will you do today to give yourself a better tomorrow? I urge you to do something today so that you’ll never have to lay awake in the midnight hour wondering ‘what if.’ Burn the midnight oil each day and go to bed with a sense of fulfillment, not only because you’ve made a 1% improvement that day, but because you’ll do the same tomorrow.


When every day has a purpose, every day will have a result.


Stay Relentless Guys



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